Empowering Female Healthcare Workers in Lele, Nepal
With minimal training and little equipment these women in Lele Nepal are the frontline healthcare and social workers for men, women and children living in nearby villagers. Typically they travel on foot to bring medical care to those in need. Working with the local community and hospital, we are planning to sponsor an initial 2-‐week intensive training program for 20 female healthcare workers. This will be followed a few months later by a shorter “refresher” course, to address any unmet needs. The local community is very supportive and enthusiastic. Cost is estimated at $250 to $300 per student, including equipping them with a proper medical kit upon their “graduation” from the training course. With 20 students the total cost is estimated at $5,000 to $6,000.
Can you help us by donating whatever you can for this very important training program at https://www.oldwebsite.dooleyintermed.org/donate/
Thank you for your support!