Dooley Intermed is a 501(c)3 Non Profit Organization


You can travel to SEE the world…or travel to EXPERIENCE it…and Make a Difference!
This year the ONLY Air Intermed (AI) Nepal Mission will be very special. The program is from November 11-23 and designed to let you enjoy the Nepali Tihar celebration with the EcoHome children. This holiday is very important and includes the Dog Festival, Brother Festival, and Sister Festival!
Nepal itself will captivate you with its ancient mystic traditions mixed with a mishmash of modern-day conveniences. It will tantalize your senses with the beauty of the hills, valleys and majestic Himalaya Mountains. Most importantly, it will open your heart to the beautiful Nepalese people…especially the wonderful children of the EcoHome in the Saankhu Valley!!
From the moment you walk out of Kathmandu’s Tribhuvan International Airport, you will be met by a member of our support team from Mission Himalaya. You’ll be driven to your comfortable accommodations at either the Hotel Tibet in Lazimpat or the Maya Manor in Naxal where you will be warmly greeted. That night you will be treated to a typical Nepali dinner….and dancing!
Day 2 offers a city tour with stops at World Heritage sites like Swayambhunath and the Durbar Square.
Day 3 — you are off to the EcoHome for Orphans to meet 33 wonderful children and their very caring staff.
Your mission — should you choose to accept it….is to talk with, laugh with, play with and teach these kids who are so eager to learn and make you their new friend. Since they will be home from school for the Tihar holiday, you can plan to do a variety of activities with them. Your talents and desire to participate will greatly shape your experience!
You may also be able to:
Help at a local, very poor government school
Assist at the village clinic located on the road just above the EcoHome
Assist the staff with cooking, sharing your ideas and learning theirs
Visit the Namo-Buddha Monastery to help young Monks practice English
Teach trafficking to local schools and villagers….
and more….What do YOU have a Passion to Share?
You will stay at the Happy Shepherd’s Cottage….a gift from a former volunteer built in loving memory of her mother. This cottage offers 3 bedrooms, two with attached bath upstairs, a bedroom with access to a bath downstairs plus a comfortable living/dining area, and kitchen.
This cozy cottage will comfortably sleep 6-8.
Again, the AI program dates:
NOVEMBER 11-23, 2020 (plan to arrive in Kathmandu on 11/11)
The cost for the Nepal AI experience is $1060 and includes:
Transportation in Nepal (including the airport)
Room and breakfast in Kathmandu
City tour
Welcome and Farewell dinners
Room and board at the EcoHome
A guide from Mission Himalaya as your escort, guide, interpreter and friend.
There is a discount for returning volunteers…many of whom have described their time at the EcoHome as: “Incredible”, “Amazing” and “Life-changing”.
Please feel free to contact me with any questions. I promise, you will have an unforgettable and very worthwhile experience!!!!
Kate Jewell, ND
PO Box 1111
Eastsound, WA 98245