Gift of Sight
Dooley Intermed’s programs to prevent blindness and restore eyesight

Here are a few eyesight “miracles” your donations have made possible.
The range of medical needs in remote areas can be overwhelming, however among the most devastating is the loss of vision and blindness. Loss of vision has profound consequences in a 3rd world subsistence living environment. Vision problems in children create severe learning handicaps and can cause them to become social outcasts. In adults, loss of vision often means they must depend on family members or resort to begging in order to survive. Among the most beneficial and cost effective medical treatments possible is restoring the gift of good eyesight.
Click here to view photos of D-I 2017 Gorkha Gift of Sight Project by Scott Hamilton
Click here to view photos of D-I 2017 Gorkha Gift of Sight project by Lars Perkins
Click here to view photos of D-I 2017 Gorkha Gift of Sight project by Daniel A. Byers
Eye disease is prevalent throughout the 3rd world, and is often treatable at remarkably low cost. Dooley-Intermed’s “Gift of Sight” program has achieved remarkable success. Our vision initiative began with a vision testing and medical clinic at an Orphanage in Kathmandu, and recently expanded into a multi-day clinic hosting over 600 patients from numerous Tibetan Refugee settlements as well as local schools, old age homes, monasteries, and institutes. Working cooperatively with local healthcare providers and skilled surgeons performing cataract surgeries, our donors have brought the “Gift of Sight” to many people in need.
Our organization has been able to fund hundreds of pairs of prescription eyeglasses, a complex retinal re-attachment performed at Tilganga Institute of Ophthalmology in Kathmandu, as well as numerous cataract and related eye surgeries performed by the Himalaya Eye Hospital in Pokhara, Nepal. Dooley-Intermed also funded a field portable Kowa slit lamp to enable the Himalaya Eye Hospital to conduct detailed retinal exams in remote village outreach clinics. More than 20,000 patients will be examined this year.
Past Vision Project - Laos
Dooley-Intermed has funded a Gift of Sight remote outreach program in cooperation with surgeons at the Vientaine, Laos, Ophthalmology Centre. Our program focused on providing free surgical care to “the poorest of the poor” individuals in remote villages with debilitating eye disease, especially cataracts. This project took place in a regional healthcare facility near Luang Prabang. Dooley-Intermed recently donated three Keratome knives for use in eye surgery in Laos, as well as books, teaching and professional education materials for the Vientaine Ophthalmology Centre.
Donate Today
- $25 provides a single eye cataract surgery and intra-ocular lens implant
- $100 provides prescription eyeglasses for ten patients in need
- $1000 provides a full-day outreach clinic for remote villagers, including eyeglasses and surgeries.