Eco Home Orphanage
Dooley Intermed is determined to help the young orphans of Nepal on an ongoing basis, and your contributions are making their dreams come true. We first began helping orphans in Nepal in 2007, when we discovered a group of children sleeping on straw mats on bare floors, with tattered clothing, non-existent healthcare, minimal opportunities for school, and very little food.

Gift of Sight
Loss of vision has profound consequences in a 3rd world living environment. Vision problems in children create severe learning handicaps and can cause them to become social outcasts. In adults, loss of vision often means they must depend on family members or resort to begging to survive. Among the most beneficial medical treatments possible is restoring the gift of good eyesight.

Healthcare Training
Empowering Female Healthcare Workers
The female village healthcare and social workers in many villages of Nepal are extremely motivated and dedicated, but completely lacking in medical training and basic healthcare equipment. Traveling on foot along trails to outlying communities they serve as the frontline healthcare workers in rural areas to provide social services and medical aid.

New Eye Hospital in Dhalkebar, Nepal
We are almost there !! In November of 2018, we embarked on the most ambitious project in the 60-year history of Dooley Intermed International. Working with our Nepal-based partners, Mission Himalaya & Reiyukai Eiko Masunaga Eye Hospital we are helping fund the construction of a new 3-story Eye Hospital in Nepal near the border of India.

Kaziranga, India
Our new program in Kaziranga, India is underway! Kaziranga is a UNESCO World Heritage Site, a forest preserve, and breeding habitat for elephants, tigers, water buffaloes, and swamp deer on the banks of the Brahmaputra River in India.

Ngoenga School for Children With Special Needs, India
This is the only school in existence for disabled Tibetan and Himalayan children. This program was initiated in 2015 when Dooley Intermed funded the purchase of much-needed physical therapy equipment and special orthopedic shoes for these disabled Tibetan refugee children. With your generous donations we can continue our support for these very special children.

AirIntermed is a unique opportunity for airline employees to participate in programs devoted to improving health conditions for the people of Nepal. The Airline volunteers will be working at the Eco Home for Orphaned Children Volunteer Service Program in the Sankkhu–Sharada Village, Nepal in cooperation with Airline Ambassadors International and Mission Himalaya, Kathmandu.

Tibetan Refugees Nepal
Dooley-Intermed’s commitment to Tibetan Refugees goes all the way back to the early 1960’s when the Dalai Lama personally requested Dooley Intermed to help provide medical care to escaping Refugees. In this long-standing commitment to helping those less fortunate, Dooley-Intermed has often stepped up to help refugees from Tibet, Laos, and other disadvantaged areas of the world.