Dooley Intermed is a 501(c)3 Non Profit Organization

The Ngoenga School for Tibetan Children with Special Needs


Dooley Intermed is proud to continue its support for The Ngoenga School for Children with Special Needs, India. This is the only school in existence for disabled Tibetan and Himalayan children.

The photo below depicts a young girl named Tsering, at the Ngoenga School, practicing using her newly purchased prosthetic shoes specifically made for her. This is made possible because of our generous contributors! You can help us help more children by giving what ever you can.


Background on The Ngoenga School: 

In 1997 His Holiness, The Dalai Lama built The Ngoenga School for Tibetan Children with Disabilities in Dehradun, India. Currently there are 48 children in residence. Ten children share a single room, with each group of children tended by “house parents.” 

This is the only school in existence for disabled Tibetan and Himalayan children.   This program was initiated in 2015 when Dooley Intermed funded the purchase of much-needed physical therapy equipment and special orthopedic shoes for these disabled Tibetan refugee children. With your generous donations we can continue our support for these very special children. 


Dooley Intermed sponsored orthopedic shoes for the children




The children receive physical therapy. Dooley Intermed is making sure they have the needed equipment.